Écologie terrestre
- º Consultant ou sous-traitant de LGL
- G Avec Greeneridge Sciences Inc. 1
- * Co-auteur ne travaillant pas pour LGL
- ** Publication d’un employé de LGL, mais ne résultant pas d’un projet de LGL. Les documents publiés par des employés de LGL-G avant qu’ils ne se joignent à la compagnie ne sont pas mentionnés.
- † Étude menée principalement par un sous-traitant ou une société affiliée à LGL.
Voir aussi : publications sur Mammifères terrestres, Oiseaux, et Reptiles & amphibiens
Cameron, R.*, I. Goudie and D. Richardson*. 2013. Habitat loss exceeds habitat regeneration for an IUCN flagship lichen epiphyte: Erioderma pedicellatum. Can. J. Forest. Res. 43(11):1075‑1080. link
Carlson, G.L.* and S. Tupper. 2020. Ski wax use contributes to environmental contamination by per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances**. Chemosphere 261(2020):128078. link
Funk, D.W., L.E. Noel and A.H. Freedman. 2004. Environmental gradients, plant distribution, and species richness in Arctic salt marsh near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. Wetlands Ecol. Manage. 12(3):215‑233. link
Gerwing, T.G. and V.C. Hawkes. 2021. Similarity analyses in restoration ecology and how to improve their utility. Restor. Ecol. 29(4):e13368. link
Gerwing, T.G., V.C. Hawkes, G.D. Gann* and S.D. Murphy*. 2021. Restoration, reclamation, and rehabilitation: on the need for, and positing a definition of, ecological reclamation. Restor. Ecol. 30(7)e13461. link
Gerwing, T.G.*, V.C. Hawkes and S.D. Murphy*. 2023. Speaking the same language: aligning project designations to clarify communication in restoration ecology**. Environ. Rev. 31(3):498-508. link
Gilders, M.A. and M.A. Cronin. 2000. North Slope oil field development. p. 15‑33 In: J.C. Truett and S.R. Johnson (eds.), The natural history of an Arctic oil field/development and the biota. Academic Press, San Diego, CA. 422 p. link
Goodban, A.G.º, W.D. Bakowsky* and B.D. Bricker. 1999. The historical and present extent and floristic composition of prairie and savanna vegetation in the vicinity of Hamilton, Ontario**. p. 87‑103 In: C. Warwick (ed.), Proc. 15th N. Am. Prairie Conf. Natural Areas Assoc., Bend, OR.
Goudie, R.I., C. Scheidegger*, C. Hanel*, A. Munier* and E. Conway*. 2011. New population models help explain declines in the globally rare boreal felt lichen Erioderma pedicellatum in Newfoundland. Endang. Species Res. 13(3):181‑189. link
Hassink, N., P.P. Bonnaventure* and D.L. Johnson*. 2025. Air and surface temperature modelling across a temperate mountain landscape: an investigation of microclimatic influences on surface offsets viewed within the context of epigaeic arthropod thermal habitat**. Can. Geogr./Géogr. Can. 69:e70003. link
Hawkes, V.C. and T.G. Gerwing. 2019. Wildlife usage indicates increased similarity between reclaimed upland habitat and mature boreal forest in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region of Alberta, Canada. PLoS ONE 14(6):e0217556. 17 p. link
Hawkes, V.C., P. Gibeau and W. Challenger. 2024. Making sense of wildlife habitat use on active oil sands mines: quasi‑experiments, occupancy models, trends assessments and upland habitat reclamation. Ecol. Solut. Evid. 5:e12367. link
Hawkes, V.C., J. Hornung*, J. Novoa, M.T. Miller and S. Kohlsmith*. 2025. Wetlands happen: the delineation and classification of opportunistic wetlands in the Athabasca oil sands region of Canada. Wetlands Ecol. Manage. 33:19. link
Hawkes, V.C., M.T. Miller, J. Novoa, E. Ibeke* and J.P. Martin*. 2020. Opportunistic wetland formation, characterization, and quantification on landforms reclaimed to upland ecosites in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region. Wetlands Ecol. Manage. 28:953‑970. link
Johnson, S.R., S.B. Yazvenko, Y.Y. Dgebuadze* and E.A. Kriksunov*. 1999. The status of biological research in the Russian Arctic. Arctic 52(3):317‑324. link
Ovaska, K.*, L. Sopuck* and D. Robichaud. 2016. Short‑term effects of variable‑retention logging practices on terrestrial gastropods in coastal forests of British Columbia**. Northwest Sci. 90(3):260‑277. link
- º Consultant ou sous-traitant de LGL
- G Avec Greeneridge Sciences Inc.1
- * Co-auteur ne travaillant pas pour LGL
- ** Publication d’un employé de LGL, mais ne résultant pas d’un projet de LGL. Les documents publiés par des employés de LGL-G avant qu’ils ne se joignent à la compagnie ne sont pas mentionnés.
- † Étude menée principalement par un sous-traitant ou une société affiliée à LGL.
Pinno, B.D.* and V.C. Hawkes. 2015. Temporal trends of ecosystem development on different site types in reclaimed boreal forests. Forests 6(6):2109‑2124. link
Shefferson, R.P.* and 33 others including M.T. Miller. 2018. Drivers of vegetative dormancy across herbaceous perennial plant species. Ecol. Lett. 21(5):724-733. link
Tremaine, R. 1993. Valuing tropical rain forests**. Conserv. Biol. 7(1):7‑8. link
Truett, J.C. and R.J. Douglass. 1982. Ecosystem analysis for terrestrial baseline studies – an example in Colorado’s Piceance Basin. p. 57‑69 In: Land and water issues related to energy development. Ann Arbor Sciences Press.
Truett, J.C. and D.W. Lay*. 1984. Land of bears and honey. A natural history of East Texas**. Univ. Texas Press, Austin. 176 p. link or link
Truett, J.C. and K. Kertell. 1992. Tundra disturbance and ecosystem production: implications for impact assessment. Environ. Manage. 16(4):485‑494. link
Truett, J.C.* and S.R. Johnson (eds.). 2000. The natural history of an Arctic oil field/development and the biota. Academic Press, San Diego, CA. 422 p. link or link
Wang, M. and P.J. Howarth*. 1993. Modeling errors in remote sensing image classification**. Remote Sens. Environ. 45(3):261‑271. link
Yazvenko, S. 1998. Focus/From pollen to plants**. p. 14‑20 In: J.L. Davis (ed.), Sandy Pylos/an archaeological history from Nestor to Navarino. Univ. Texas Press, Austin, TX. 342 p.
Yazvenko, S.B. and D.J. Rapport*. 1997. The history of the ponderosa pine pathology: implications for management**. J. Forestry 95(12):16‑20. link
Zangger, E.*, M.E. Timpson*, S.B. Yazvenko, F. Kuhnke* and J. Knauss*. 1997. The Pylos regional archaeological project/Part II: landscape evolution and site preservation**. Hesperia, J. Am. Sch. Classical Stud. Athens 66(4):549‑641. link
Zangger, E.*, M. Timpson*, S. Yazvenko and H. Leiermann*. 1999. Searching for the Ports of Troy**. p. 89‑103 In: P. Leveau, F. Trément, K. Walsh and G. Barker (eds.), Environmental reconstruction in Mediterranean landscape archaeology. Oxbow Books, Oxford, U.K.
—Révisé en février 2025