Taylor Beyea
Senior Marine Ecologist

- M.S.: Bangor University (Marine Environmental Protection) 2012
- B.S.: Baylor University (Biology) 2011
Taylor Beyea has over a decade of broad experience in aquatic ecological studies and conservation addressing research questions and management issues with a focus on marine fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico. As a critical component to all projects, she works with diverse community members from fisheries, private industry, government, NGOs, and the public on achieving scientifically sound solutions in conjunction with cooperative research and community buy-in.
She has led and supported numerous studies including benthic and fish population assessments on natural and artificial reefs, collaborative bycatch characterization and reduction initiatives, and serving as a communications specialist in coordinating workshops for fishing fleet members to design their own data-sharing communication networks. She has field expertise utilizing a wide variety of methods and technologies such as SCUBA diving, hydroacoustic sonar, underwater camera arrays, acoustic telemetry, mark-recapture techniques, water quality assessment, hook and line sampling, biological trapping and netting, and benthic grab sampling. She also specializes in fish otolith ageing and other laboratory analyses, and in data management and analysis.