Our work spans a wide range of sectors in terrestrial, freshwater, and marine environments from the arctic to the tropics.

LGL Limited provides services to clients around the globe

While the majority of our clients are in North America, LGL provides services to clients around the globe where we address a wide range of environmental requirements and challenges.

From hands-on resource inventories and biological assessments to digital mapping to project design and management, our team of experts can deliver customized products – and solutions – for a wide range of environmental challenges.

Clients that are seeking analytical and research / information-based products will choose LGL Limited based on our solid reputation for taking objective approaches and delivering credible, defensible results. The experience and skills of our expert personnel are acknowledged and respected by our clients, by regulators, and by our peers, world-wide.

As a testament to the quality and integrity of our work, over 70% of our business is from repeat clients.

LGL Limited provides services to clients around the globe

While the majority of our clients are in North America, LGL provides services to clients around the globe where we address a wide range of environmental requirements and challenges.

From hands-on resource inventories and biological assessments to digital mapping to project design and management, our team of experts can deliver customized products – and solutions – for a wide range of environmental challenges.

Clients that are seeking analytical and research / information-based products will choose LGL Limited based on our solid reputation for taking objective approaches and delivering credible, defensible results. The experience and skills of our expert personnel are acknowledged and respected by our clients, by regulators, and by our peers, world-wide.

As a testament to the quality and integrity of our work, over 70% of our business is from repeat clients.


At LGL Limited, we are dedicated to empowering Indigenous communities and supporting their journey towards a sustainable future. Our commitment to technical support and capacity-building remains unwavering as we continue to evolve with changing times and challenges. Together, we are creating a brighter and more inclusive future for all.

Our history

LGL has a long history of collaborating with Indigenous peoples. Our journey commenced with groundbreaking arctic research in the 1970s and 1980s, during which we worked closely with Indigenous communities. Their rich traditional and local knowledge was essential to our success and helped to ensure that industrial development was mindful of Indigenous concerns. Beyond project work, these endeavors have created employment opportunities in remote areas and facilitated the exchange of knowledge and skills between and among our professional staff and Indigenous community members.

Adapting to changing landscapes

In recent years, Indigenous relations with governments and industry have evolved rapidly – involving vital matters such as rights, treaties, self-government, resource development consultations, and reconciliation. Throughout this transformative journey, LGL has been a steadfast partner. Our work often revolves around land and resource aspects of strategic engagement, treaty negotiations and implementation, and natural resource conservation – particularly focusing on marine, freshwater, and terrestrial ecosystems. Additionally, we offer expert advice to our Indigenous clients during court cases, panel hearings, and other environmental assessment processes. An emerging trend involves us collaborating with industry proponents and Indigenous communities to develop major projects in the territories of our clients. This can foster consent, accommodation, and partnerships that yield benefits for all.

LGL has three joint ventures with Indigenous partners: Gitga’at LGL (British Columbia), Mitik LGL (Newfoundland and Labrador), Upun LGL (Canadian arctic).

The following are examples of our comprehensive technical support for Indigenous communities:

  • Strategic Engagement Agreements: We specialize in negotiation and implementation of SEAs
  • Treaty negotiations and implementation: We provide expertise in developing agreements-in-principle and implementing treaties concerning natural resources
  • Fisheries, aquatics, and wildlife technical support: Our team offers technical advisory support; we engage in knowledge exchange and transfer
  • Wildlife inventory and fisheries stock assessment: We conduct reviews, studies, and develop monitoring programs that are often designed to be taken-over by Indigenous communities in time
  • Harvest monitoring: We assist in monitoring fish and wildlife harvests by Indigenous harvesters
  • Impact assessment and technical support: Our experts, and the teams we assemble, review fisheries, wildlife, habitat, water quality, archaeology, and human health impact studies for major and minor development projects; our support strives to aid in informed decision‑making by Indigenous leadership
  • Capacity building: We hire and train seasonal and full-time Indigenous citizens as LGL technicians and biologists
  • Legal support: We offer expert testimony and legal support for court cases and panel reviews
  • Watershed restoration and planning: We assist in the development, implementation, and monitoring of watershed restoration programs
  • GIS mapping: Through GIS-based methods, we seek to enhance the visual aspects of traditional-use documentation and land-use planning
  • Economic development: Our services encompass the planning, funding sources, start-up and ongoing support for economic and tourism development opportunities
  • Communications: We support document management, newsletter production, website management, open houses, and community meetings


For over 50 years, LGL has played a critical role in helping onshore and offshore operators understand and comply with federal and state requirements for development activities by preparing scientifically sound assessments and conducting rigorous research and monitoring programs. LGL has supported the growth of the offshore wind industry as a part of numerous projects.


  • Marine Mammal Protection Act Take Authorizations for HRG Site Reconnaissance Surveys
  • Aerial Surveys for Large Whales in the New York Bight
  • Marine Mammal Protection Act Take Authorizations for Offshore Windfarm Construction
  • NaiKun Offshore Wind Energy Project

Onshore projects:

  • Sundance Wind Project and Taylor Wind Project 
  • Septimus Wind Project 
  • Nulki Hills Wind Project 
  • Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro Wind Power Project
  • Nigig Power Wind Farm 
  • East Durham Wind Farm
  • Conestogo Wind Farm
  • Eries Shores Wind Farm 
  • Detroit River International Crossing Migratory Bird Radar Study
  • Canadian Green Power Wind Farm Phases 1 and 2 
  • St. Columban 1 and 2 Wind Power Project


Objectives of our assessment, research, permitting, and design support commonly include:

  • Fisheries inventories and stream crossing management
  • Wildlife inventories and disturbance mitigation
  • Environmental assessment to satisfy the regulatory requirements of the applicable country, province, or state
  • Environmental management and route selection of linear developments including roads, pipelines, electric transmission lines, and flight paths
  • Environmental research in support of development applications
  • Marine mammal research in support of impact avoidance and mitigation

LGL scientists have expertise and experience providing services to both land-based and off-shore oil and gas developments. Our staff has experience in the following areas:

  • Fisheries
  • Wildlife
  • Environmental impact assessment
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Acid rock drainage
  • First Nations consultation
  • Environmental restoration
  • Environmental restoration and rehabilitation design

Specialized methodologies and products include:

  • Electrofishing, radio telemetry, remote camera monitoring, and DNA tracking
  • Marine mammal tracking and population monitoring
  • Marine mammal acoustic disturbance modeling
  • Integrated resource management plans
  • Aerial surveys, including development of RPV (remotely piloted vehicle) methodologies
  • Ecological modeling
  • Customized habitat restoration techniques
  • Oil spill response planning and sensitivity mapping
  • Underwater and under-ice biological surveys, mapping, and ecological classification
  • Measurement of underwater and in-air noise
  • Passive acoustic monitoring (towed and fixed)
  • Customized GIS applications for integrated resource management
  • Ecological restoration plans and documents
  • Construction oversight


LGL offers environmental services for:

  • Pipelines
  • Roads
  • Transmission corridors
  • Railroads
  • Rapid transit

LGL provides support for:

  • Feasibility studies
  • Pipeline siting
  • Construction monitoring
  • New roads and highway upgrades
  • Rail grade improvements
  • Wildlife−vehicle collision mitigation
  • Habitat compensation / remediation
  • Corridor studies and management
  • Road siting and reconnaissance

Environmental impact assessment:

  • Vegetation and rare plant surveys
  • Fisheries surveys and stream crossing assessments
  • Wildlife surveys and wildlife habitat assessment
  • Species at Risk assessments
  • Wetlands and sensitive habitat delineation
  • Human use issues (e.g., First Nations traditional uses, access)
  • Fragmentation and connectivity evaluation
  • Mitigation
  • Monitoring

Right-of-way management:

  • Vegetation management prescriptions (e.g., herbicide use, mowing / selective mowing, seeding, prescribed burning)
  • Species at Risk and other sensitive species: habitat enhancement, artificial structures, public education
  • Highway and railway wildlife crossings (e.g., overpasses, underpasses, fencing, vegetation, signage)
  • Transmission line mortality to birds: mitigation and monitoring


LGL Limited provides expertise on forest planning and assessment for First Nations, governments, and public planning tables.

LGL helped develop an ecosystem-based forest plan for the Kaska Forest Resources Stewardship Council. That was a community‑based planning process for the Kaska Dena Traditional Territory in the Yukon Territory. A draft Regional Forestry Plan for the Kaska Dena traditional territory and a draft Sub‑Regional Forestry Plan for the Little Rancheria Woodland Caribou Herd Winter Range were also developed as part of that work.

We have also been involved in similar planning approaches in British Columbia by providing technical support to the Kaska Dena Council in developing the Dease Liard Sustainable Resource Management Plans (SRMP).

These plans identify management goals and objectives by resource sector. LGL Limited provided technical support to the Kaska Dena Council on the biodiversity, wildlife, and forestry chapters of the plan. The plan was developed through a community-based decision process with the Kaska Dena and Province of British Columbia as planning partners. A similar approach was applied to the North Liard Sustainable Resource Management Plan by the Kaska Dena. The plan was approved by Daylu Dena Council and is used to guide land and resource decision making in the plan area. Kwadacha will be the final Kaska Dena community to finalize a community-based land use plan, with assistance from LGL.

LGL has provided technical support to forestry planning and assessment during development of a forest plan for the Kaska Dena. That plan involved a strategic assessment of forest values throughout the Kaska Dena Traditional Territory in British Columbia — an area of ~10 million ha. A multi‑disciplinary approach was used to assess the ecological and economic values of the area.


Objectives of our work related to mineral exploration and development include:

  • Environmental assessment of proposed mining projects under federal or provincial processes
  • Participation in multi-agency committees to oversee environmental assessments for mining projects
  • Independent review of environmental assessments for mining projects for First Nation or other clients
  • Mine access planning
  • Environmental research in support of environmental assessments for mines
  • Mitigation and restoration planning for proposed mine developments
  • Remediation planning and evaluations for closed and contaminated mine sites
  • Mine permitting and permitting review
  • Integrated resource management planning
  • Planning and other activities to promote First Nation involvement in the mining sector of the economy

Specialized methodologies and products include:

  • Water quality and quantity sampling
  • Electrofishing and other quantitative fishing techniques
  • Radio telemetry for fish and wildlife
  • Remote camera monitoring for fish and wildlife
  • DNA tracking for fish and wildlife
  • Aerial and ground-based surveys
  • Ecological modeling
  • Customized habitat restoration techniques
  • Customized GIS applications

LGL staff have expertise and experience in the provision of services related to mineral exploration and development in the following technical areas:

  • Water quality
  • Fish and fish habitat
  • Wildlife and wildlife habitat
  • Rare species and habitats
  • Revegetation
  • Environmental impact assessment
  • First Nations consultation
  • Environmental restoration and remediation


LGL offers many services, primarily to airports and landfills, to assess and resolve bird hazard issues. Our work at major and regional airports and at landfills throughout North America has made us a leader in this field.

Hazardous wildlife and habitat conditions on and adjacent to airports

LGL has specialized expertise to identify hazardous wildlife conditions and/or habitats in the vicinity of airports. We present evidence as expert witnesses at public hearings and provide advice to airport operators and landfill owners.

Formal risk assessment of identified hazards

LGL and our associates have the expertise to conduct risk assessments that comply with government risk assessment expectations.

Science-based comprehensive wildlife management plan to manage wildlife hazards

Because we take a biological approach to wildlife management and control at airports and landfills, we focus on the set of actions that provide the best results for long-term management of wildlife. By developing an integrated, comprehensive plan, we ensure that our wildlife management programs are effective and efficient resulting in long-term compliance and cost-savings.

Wildlife management training

Effective wildlife control requires ongoing training. LGL can set up and conduct initial intensive and “refresher” training programs to ensure that all airport / landfill personnel with wildlife management responsibilities are given the information required to carry out their roles.

Wildlife monitoring programs

Hazardous situations frequently require ongoing monitoring in order to adapt wildlife control activities to maximize their effectiveness. LGL can design, conduct, and report on wildlife monitoring to provide managers the information they require in a clear and concise format.

Wildlife hazard awareness program

It is important for everyone involved in airport operations to understand the implications of wildlife hazards and what they can do to minimize those hazards. LGL can develop and assist in the implementation of a wildlife hazard awareness program.

Solutions to airport / landfill operations that exacerbate hazards

Airport / landfill operations sometimes contribute to wildlife hazards. LGL can identify where such problems exist, and work with managers to resolve them.

Reporting needs and permit requirements

Government permits are usually required to conduct wildlife control programs. LGL can identify the necessary permits and procedures for obtaining those permits. LGL can also set up a reporting process to meet all requirements.


Scientists from LGL have hydro experience working on:

  • Fish bypass systems
  • Fish trapping, tagging, and monitoring
  • Adult and juvenile salmon passage assessments and mitigation measures
  • Adult lamprey passage assessments
  • Predation of outmigrating smolts by piscivorous birds
  • Design, installation, and operation of fish bypass and trapping technologies at dams
  • Public and Agency consultations
  • Scientific study permitting

Specialized methodologies:

  • Radio-telemetry
  • Acoustic-telemetry
  • Hydroacoustics, including DIDSON sonar
  • In-stream weirs and traps
  • Underwater video monitoring
  • Wetland design and creation
  • Aerial survey techniques
  • GIS databases and imagery
  • Advanced statistics

Objectives of our research and monitoring programs include:

  • Impact assessment of project operations on fish, wildlife, and habitat
  • Fish migration enumeration, timing, distribution, passage success, and run reconstruction
  • Fish behaviour and survival
  • Implementation and monitoring strategies for reservoir enhancement and remediation targeting fish, wildlife, and habitat
  • Database design and management
  • Expert testimony for regulatory and court proceedings
  • Water use planning and reservoir management

Locations of hydroelectric experience:

  • Washington State, Columbia River – Wells, Rocky Reach, Rock Island, Wanapum and Priest Rapids dams and reservoirs
  • British Columbia, Columbia River – Mica, Revelstoke, and Keenleyside dams and reservoirs
  • British Columbia, Peace River – W.A.C. Bennett and Peace Canyon dams and reservoirs
  • British Columbia, Peace River – Site C proposal
  • British Columbia, Nechako River – Kennedy Dam
  • British Columbia, Alouette, Stave, Coquitlam, Ash, and Jordan river facilities


Objectives of projects can include:

  • Predicting and monitoring impacts of highway construction and operation on fish and wildlife
  • Prescribing measures to conserve fish and wildlife
  • Special considerations for endangered species
  • Access planning and management
  • Promoting the safe passage of fish and wildlife across highway corridors
  • Identifying and monitoring roadkill hot‑spots
  • Mitigating risks of animal−vehicle collisions to improve passenger safety and wildlife survival
  • Assessing the effectiveness of mitigation structures such as underpasses and exclusion fencing
  • Acquiring and managing habitat for compensation purposes

Scientists at LGL have expertise working with:

  • Corridor and route selection based on ecological constraints and considerations
  • Construction, upgrades and maintenance of existing local streets, remote resource access roads, and high-speed freeways
  • Bridge, culvert, overpass, and underpass design considerations
  • Environmental assessments by way of provincial / state and federal regulations
  • Environmental restoration and rehabilitation design adjacent to highway developments
  • Highway right-of-way planting design

Specialized methodologies:

  • Integrating geo-spatial data using state‑of‑the‑art GIS solutions
  • Superimposing highway designs, fish & wildlife habitat values, and other spatial data on orthorectified base imagery
  • Full-colour, large-sized map plotting capability
  • Compatibility with CAD (computer assisted design)
  • Habitat suitability analysis
  • Habitat fragmentation analysis
  • Habitat balance calculations
  • Roadkill identification
  • Ecological restoration plans and documents
  • Construction oversight


Specialties include:

  • Underwater noise research and monitoring using proven sonar technologies
  • Impact assessment of marine use and marine ecology using advanced satellite and remote sensing imagery, biotelemetry, and underwater / ice videography
  • Predictive modelling of marine biotic and abiotic trends using state-of-the-art GIS techniques

LGL scientists and policy analysts provide expertise with:

  • Resource inventory and assessments
  • Environmental impact assessment
  • Spatial analysis and mapping

Client support include:

  • Route selection for marine navigation
  • Habitat compensation and remediation
  • Mitigation planning
  • Development of design and operations guidelines
  • Site selection and construction monitoring for coastal development (ports, marinas, log booming, and aquaculture)


Objectives of projects can include:

  • Predicting and monitoring impacts of urban development on fish and wildlife
  • Ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations
  • Public consultations
  • Permit acquisition
  • Prescribing measures to conserve rare plants, fish, and wildlife
  • Special considerations for endangered species
  • Avoiding problem-wildlife situations
  • Habitat enhancement and restoration
  • Acquiring and managing habitat for compensation purposes
  • Ecological restoration in urban environments

Scientists from LGL have expertise working with:

  • Landscape architects and civil engineers
  • Environmental assessments by way of regional, provincial / state, and federal regulations
  • Best Management Practices
  • Human and wildlife conflict and safety matters

Specialized methodologies:

  • Integrating geo-spatial data using state‑of‑the‑art GIS solutions
  • Superimposing development designs, fish and wildlife habitat values, and other spatial data on orthorectified base imagery
  • Full-colour, large-sized map plotting capability
  • Compatibility with CAD (computer assisted design)
  • Habitat suitability analysis
  • Habitat fragmentation analysis
  • Habitat balance calculations
  • Habitat management prescriptions
  • Formulation of Best Management Practices
  • Human−wildlife conflict avoidance
  • Raptor nest relocation
  • Ecological restoration plans and documents
  • Construction oversight


LGL Limited provides state-of-the-art biological and GIS services for the US and Canadian militaries. We use our expertise in marine, freshwater, and terrestrial environments to support environmental assessments, environmental monitoring, restoration, natural resource inventories, endangered species issues as well as planning and permitting. Examples of services we provide to this sector include:


  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for military training, testing, and operating areas
  • Impact avoidance and mitigation
  • Range and Training Area Management and Planning (RTAMP)
  • Wildlife and fisheries surveys in support of military construction, range initiatives, and operations
  • Marine mammal and acoustic research of military activities
  • Natural Resource Inventory (NRI)
  • Rare and endangered species surveys and management
  • Environmental indicator monitoring
  • Ecological restoration of decommissioned areas
  • Bird hazards to aircraft
  • Biological oceanography in support of EIA and monitoring


LGL staff and associates have expertise and experience in the provision of services related to parks, tourism, and outdoor recreation planning and design in the following areas:

  • Ecological inventories, including fish and fish habitat, wildlife and wildlife habitat, rare species, and rare habitats
  • Identification of representative features and species
  • Identification of areas or habitats of varying level of sensitivity
  • Zoning for various levels of protection and visitor use
  • GIS-based databases and mapping
  • Environmental restoration of disturbed habitats
  • Visitor carrying capacity evaluations
  • Development of visions and objectives for parks or other protected areas
  • Park facilities planning and environmental assessment
  • Identification of outdoor and cultural tourism opportunities
  • First Nations consultation

Objectives of our work related to parks, tourism, and outdoor recreation often include:

  • Management planning, master planning, and design for parks or other protected areas
  • Environmental assessment of park management plans or park facilities development
  • Development and implementation of monitoring plans for “State-of-the-Park” reporting
  • Strategic planning for eco-tourism and outdoor recreation…click here for more info
  • Evaluation of specific eco-tourism and outdoor recreation opportunities
  • Development and implementation of tourism strategies and plans
  • Assistance to First Nations…click here for more info

Specific examples of this type of work:

  • Assistance to First Nations in integrating traditional knowledge and First Nation culture and history into park management plans in northern British Columbia
  • Assistance to First Nations in northern British Columbia in the implementation of the Muskwa-Kechika Special Management Area
  • Park management planning for two urban parks in Burnaby, British Columbia
  • Environmental assessment of park management plans for four National Parks in Ontario
  • Management of the development of a strategic tourism plan for First Nations in northern British Columbia
  • Inventories of marine resources for proposed parks on Pacific coast of Canada
  • Mammal inventories for two National Parks in Ontario
  • Identification of “Natural Areas of Canadian Significance” as preparatory step to delineating National Parks
  • Master planning and design for conservation areas in Ontario


LGL provides expert services for oil spill preparedness and response including:

  • Oil spill sensitivity mapping
  • Biological resource inventory
  • Siting of oily debris handling / storage locations
  • Advice on environmental effects of countermeasures
  • Same-day quantitative inventory of biological resources during spill response
  • GIS support for response decision‑making
  • GIS modelling of cleanup / countermeasures priorities
  • GIS support for documenting the spill response and impacts
  • Assessment of environmental impacts of spills
  • Assessment of value of commercial fisheries affected by spills
  • Expert advice on biological resources at risk
  • Impact assessment for spill response exercises
  • Information systems
  • Standards development

Some examples of types of studies:

  • Development of a shorezone oil spill sensitivity model
  • Preparation of oil spill response atlases
  • Aerial surveys to quantify marine mammal and marine bird distributions
  • Assessment of fisheries impacts of major spills
  • Development of guidelines for oily debris disposal
  • Development of GIS information systems for spill response
  • Biological studies of experimental spills and countermeasures
  • Literature reviews of oil spill and countermeasure impacts on biota and habitats

Special capabilities:

  • World-class experts on marine birds, marine mammals, and fisheries
  • Custom software for field data collection using portable computers, digital cameras, and GPS
  • Rapid synthesis of information to support decision‑making
  • Rapid updating of response priorities to incorporate current information
  • Offices on all coasts of North America