Christopher Burns
Senior Fisheries Biologist

- M.Sc.: Royal Roads University (Environment and Management) 2016
- B.Sc.: University of Guelph (Wildlife Biology) 2000
Christopher Burns is a Senior Fisheries Biologist with a diversity of experience in fisheries management, fish and aquatic ecology, environmental impact assessment, and project management. He has extensive experience managing projects, overseeing large field programs, analyzing and interpreting data, preparing technical reports, and developing peer-reviewed publications. Christopher has worked on a diversity on fisheries projects throughout Canada with an emphasis on salmonid species. Christopher often works for or in collaboration with Indigenous groups where capacity building and training are key components. He has designed and implemented fisheries projects using a variety of methods including, but not limited to, acoustic telemetry, multibeam sonar, otolith microchemistry, creels, lake and river population assessments, stable isotope and diet assessments, salmonid escapement and juvenile trap assessments, snorkel and redd assessments. Christopher has developed and implemented numerous aquatic effects monitoring studies throughout his career with an emphasis on metal mining and hydropower generation. On behalf of Indigenous groups, he participates on fisheries committees to provide senior review of multiple large scale industrial environmental assessments throughout Canada. Christopher believes that cooperative management, objective and unbiased science, local community support and engagement are keys to sustainable fisheries management. He is committed to the principles of ecology, the pursuit and dissemination of knowledge, informed and honest decision making, and professional ethics. Christopher is a Registered Professional Biologist (R.P.Bio.) in B.C. under the College of Applied Biologists.