Dana Couture
Senior Ecologist

- M.Sc.: University of Guelph 2001
- B.Sc.: University of Waterloo 1998
Dana Couture joined LGL in 2005, after 8 years of experience working for government agencies, conservation authorities, and in the private sector. She has participated a variety of projects involving fish habitat and population assessment, benthic macroinvertebrate biomonitoring, creel surveys, and biotelemetry. Dana has extensive experience in field sampling and analysis in aquatic ecosystems using a wide range of sampling gear such as gill nets, trap nets, fyke nets, electrofishing gear, and seine nets. She is certified in electrofishing and stream assessment protocol and is familiar with the identification of fish, aquatic macroinvertebrate and algae species in Ontario. She has experience with project design, and has managed several large field projects involving assessment of fish populations in Great Lakes Waters. She is fluent in both English and French.