Steve Crawford
Fisheries Biologist

- B.S.: University of Idaho (Fisheries Resource Management) 2006
Steve Crawford has worked throughout western North America and has considerable project experience in remote locations. Since joining LGL Environmental Services Inc. (formerly Blue Leaf Environmental Inc.), he has studied fish in settings ranging from small ephemeral streams, to large rivers, to the Arctic Ocean. During that time, he has worked with freshwater, marine, and anadromous fish species. His strengths include study design, logistics planning, project execution, data analysis, and reporting.
Steve has completed baseline studies of fish populations for pre-development impact assessments as well as post-impact studies to inform restoration projects. He is adept at radio telemetry research having led or worked with crews tasked with installing and maintaining fixed stations at developed and remote locations, capturing and tagging target species, and aerial tracking. Steve has played a key role in a number of mark-recapture population estimates including adult Chinook Salmon escapement on the Nushagak River (AK) and Coho Salmon smolt abundance in the Chuit, Fish, and Niukluk rivers (AK). Other work includes monitoring juvenile Sockeye Salmon using upward looking sonar in the Bristol Bay region of Alaska and studying adult salmon in the Fraser River and Rivers Inlet, British Columbia, using ARIS and DIDSON sonars.