Benny Gallaway
Senior Fisheries Biologist

Dr. Benny Gallaway has been a Senior Fisheries and Marine Ecologist with the company since 1974. Dr. Gallaway has more than three decades of experience dealing with the environmental impacts and effects of nearly every phase of oil and gas development in both the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska. In addition to numerous site or incident specific studies, Dr. Gallaway has been the senior investigator for a number of programs that have reviewed and synthesized historic information pertaining to the effects of petroleum production in coastal and offshore waters. These include "An Ecosystem Analysis of Oil and Gas Development on the Texas−Louisiana Continental Shelf" published by the Office of Biological Services, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (OBS/USFWS), "Ecology of Petroleum Platforms in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico: A Community Profile", also published by OBS/USFWS, "Environmental Trends in the Gulf of Mexico in the 20th Century: The Role of the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry" for the American Petroleum Institute, "Cumulative Ecological Significance of Oil and Gas Structures in the Gulf of Mexico: A Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Habitat Suitability Model" for the U.S. Geological Survey and MMS, the "Arctic Anadromous Fish Database" for Standard Alaska Production Company, the "Endicott Development Project Synthesis (1991−1996)" for BP Exploration (Alaska), Inc., the "Bering Sea Biology Environmental Database" for SOHIO Alaska Petroleum Company, and "Selected Aspects of the Ecology of the Continental Slope Fauna of the Gulf of Mexico" for Minerals Management Service. Dr. Gallaway recently served senior scientist for a survey of a BP Exploration deep‑water synthetic drilling fluid and cuttings disposal site disposal site in MMS Lease Block Viosca Knoll 989. Dr. Gallaway has authored 183 scientific papers and reports, including 63 publications in the peer‑reviewed literature.