Zach Kahn
Wildlife Biologist

- M.Sc.: University of Windsor (Avian Ecology) 2017
- B.Sc.: Queens University (Biology) 2015
Zach Kahn is a Wildlife Biologist at LGL Limited with over 10 years of related wildlife biology experience in consulting, government, and academia. He completed a B.Sc. in Biology at Queen’s University, Ontario, and an M.Sc. in Avian Ecology at the University of Windsor, Ontario. Zach has extensive field-based experience with avian research and conservation projects in Canada, the U.S., the Caribbean, and Central America. Zach has considerable experience with avian surveys and inventories, including breeding bird point counts, songbird mist-netting and banding, songbird nest-searching and monitoring, migratory bird surveys, and species at risk surveys. Zach also has significant experience with amphibian and reptile monitoring, including amphibian breeding censuses and behavioural studies in Costa Rica and mark and recapture surveys for threatened reptile species in central Ontario.
Zach’s primary area of biological expertise is bioacoustics: the study of animal sounds. He has extensive experience in the deployment and maintenance of autonomous recording units (ARUs), and in the transcription and analysis of ARU recording data for wildlife monitoring projects at various spatial scales. Zach is highly proficient in vocal identification of Canadian animal species and has independently developed and implemented acoustic wildlife monitoring programs for breeding birds and anurans within the Credit Valley Conservation. He regularly uses specialized software programs for acoustic analysis of animal sounds (e.g., Raven Pro, WildTrax), and is highly experienced with acoustic project study design and implementation.