Tony Lang
Senior Biologist
  • Ph.D.: University of Toronto (Zoology) 1995
  • B.Sc.: University of Regina (High Honours Biology) 1983
Dr. Tony Lang has over 15 years of experience in environmental consulting, especially impact assessment, mitigation planning, wildlife hazards to the safe operation of aircraft, and critiques of regulatory protection of wildlife. He provides expertise in the ecology and behaviour of animal groups such as waterfowl, gulls, forest songbirds, marine mammals, frogs, and toads, and he has conducted field studies in the Canadian Arctic, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Québec, Illinois, Germany, Newfoundland, Labrador, and the Atlantic Ocean off Newfoundland.

Tony's current and recent projects involve environmental assessment of impacts on terrestrial, wetland and sea birds, bird hazards to aviation, and marine mammal monitoring during seismic exploration. These include projects for a variety of oil and gas producers consisting of aerial and shipboard surveys of marine and wetland birds, monitoring of impacts of seismic exploration on marine mammals, and environmental impact assessment of exploratory drilling and offshore seismic exploration. Other projects include impact assessment of wind energy generation, the transportation of offshore natural gas, Arctic Sea shipping, and port development for resource and transportation companies, of naval exercises in Atlantic Canada and California, and a strategic environmental assessment of offshore resource use along the west coast of Newfoundland for Canada−Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Board. He has evaluated bird hazards to the safe operation of aircraft for government and a number of First Nations in Ontario.