Bruce Mactavish
Senior Technician

Bruce Mactavish has been a Senior Technician with LGL since 2001. He has worked in the environmental consulting field since 1980. His diverse technical expertise ranges from conducting field studies and monitoring programs for marine mammals and marine birds primarily throughout Newfoundland and Labrador, but also elsewhere in Canada, and internationally. He has also vast experience conducting terrestrial mammal and bird surveys. Bruce is internationally recognized as an expert on bird identification and has decades of field experience with the seabirds, waterfowl, raptors, and songbirds of Canada.
He has participated in numerous projects for petroleum industry clients, specializing on issues related to marine birds, marine mammals, and sea turtles. Bruce has contributed to environmental assessments of oil and gas activities offshore Newfoundland and Labrador and Nova Scotia. Activities have included seismic surveys, geohazard surveys, vertical seismic profiling, delineation and exploratory drilling, and production drilling for numerous oil and gas industry clients.
Bruce further contributes to his avid interest in ornithology through writing articles for local media, teaching bird species identification and field marks via his blog, and leading bird watching expeditions. He is a former Atlantic Canada Region editor for North American Birds.