Valerie Moulton
Vice-President, Frontier Operations

- M.Sc.: Memorial University of Newfoundland (Biology) 1997
- B.Sc. (Hons. with Distinction): Mount Allison University (Biology) 1995
Val Moulton has been an environmental consultant since 1998 and she specializes in marine mammal and noise issues. She has been involved in numerous monitoring studies designed to assess the impacts of noise (from seismic operations and offshore oil developments) on marine mammals. This involved serving as a marine mammal observer and crew leader during vessel-based and aerial surveys in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea in 1998−2002; the Mackenzie Delta region of the Canadian Beaufort Sea in 2001−2002; and near a Marine Protected Area in the NW Atlantic in 2003. Another aspect of this work involved training Inupiat and Inuvialuit observers as well as fisheries observers to become marine mammal monitors on board seismic vessels. Val has been the senior author of several journal publications on the results of LGL monitoring programs. In addition, Val has used a wide variety of statistical analysis techniques, including modeling, on complex datasets. She has experience writing permits pertaining to the U.S. Marine Mammal Protection Act and is familiar with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. She has conducted numerous environmental assessments and impact statements of naval operations, exploratory oil drilling, seismic exploration, and offshore oil development for the Atlantic region of Canada.