Elmar Plate
Senior Fisheries Biologist

- Ph.D.: University of Victoria (Biology) 2001
- Diplom Biologe (recognized as M.Sc.): Friedrich Wilhelm Universitaet, Bonn, Germany and Institute fuer Fischerei und Hydrobiology, Universitaet Hamburg Germany (Hydrobiology and Fisheries Science) 1993
Dr. Elmar Plate is a Senior Fisheries Biologist, environmental assessment practitioner, and instructor with over 20 years of professional experience in research, capacity building and consulting in the areas of fisheries biology, environmental assessment, economic development, public outreach, education, project management and reporting as well as proposal writing.
Elmar’s broad background knowledge and his constant drive to learn allowed him to teach 19 biology, fisheries, and project management-related courses on the university and college levels, in addition to his consulting work.
He has and/or is serving as a consultant to many First Nations, the DFO, the federal Ministry of Health, the BC Ministry of Environment, educational institutions, the Pembina Institute, and the Pacific Fisheries Resource Conservation Council throughout British Columbia and in the north western U.S.
His professional interest includes the participation and management of fisheries projects (e.g., stock assessment, fish capture, telemetry, fish wheel operation, risk assessment, re-introduction), environmental assessment projects (e.g., EA report review, EA process analysis, involvement of First Nations into the EA process), marine use planning processes and land resource management planning processes.
Elmar has conducted, published, and peer-reviewed research in the subjects of hormonal control of salmon migration and olfactory imprinting.