Heather Polan

- M.Sc.: University of Waterloo (Biology) 2016
- B.E.S. (Hons.): University of Waterloo 2011
- Dipl. (with Distinction): University of Waterloo (Ecological Restoration and Rehabilitation) 2011
Heather Polan, M.Sc., R.P.Bio., P.Biol., is an experienced consulting Ecologist. She has developed and executed ecological field programs in Ontario, Alberta, and Illinois. These programs included wetland surveys and delineations, benthic macroinvertebrate and terrestrial invertebrate sampling in a variety of habitats, amphibian surveys, breeding bird surveys, Species at Risk (SAR) surveys, bat acoustic monitoring, and habitat and vegetation assessments using Ecological Land Classification (ELC) System. Heather has completed these surveys in support of natural environmental monitoring programs, environmental impact studies, and environmental assessments. Heather’s attention to detail, practical field skills, and technical expertise gained through a diversity of projects allows her to execute projects through all stages from study design, data collection, data analysis, synthesis of results, and reporting, while communicating effectively with the project team and clients.
Heather’s M.Sc. focused on investigating the influence of agricultural disturbance to birds using non permanent wetlands in Alberta. Her undergraduate thesis investigated anthropogenic eutrophication of the Conestoga River sub-basin in Ontario. Heather is also certified/trained in the Canadian Aquatic Biomonitoring Network (CABIN), Ontario Benthos Biomonitoring Network (OBBN), Ontario Wetland Evaluation System, Ecological Land Classification, and the Royal Ontario Museum Identification of Ontario Fishes.