Craig Reiser
Senior Wildlife Biologist

- M.A.: Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota, Winona (Curriculum Design and Instruction) 2006
- B.S.: University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point (Wildlife Management) 1999
- B.S.: University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point (Biology) 1999
Craig Reiser has over 25 years of interdisciplinary experience in wildlife biology, project permitting and compliance, and education across North America and in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic oceans. His technical expertise includes a firm grasp of NEPA and related MMPA- and ESA-frameworks with emphasis on permit procurement, interpretation, and implementation; visual and acoustic monitoring and mitigation; underwater noise and other anthropogenic impacts to listed marine mammal, avian, and sea turtle species; development and delivery of project-specific training programs; and communication of project results to diverse audiences. Craig has worked primarily on offshore energy development projects with an emphasis on potential human impacts to protected marine species from vibratory and impact pile driving, deep penetration seismic surveys, high-resolution geophysical surveys, geotechnical investigations, exploration drilling programs, and vessel traffic.
Craig has managed dozens of offshore monitoring and mitigation projects, including numerous larger programs with upwards of 20 vessels and multiple aerial survey platforms. Several of these projects involved testing and validation of alternative monitoring technologies, such as automated infrared and DSLR camera systems. Across his career, Craig has fostered valuable, lasting relationships with industry representatives, policymakers and resource managers, peer scientists, Indigenous peoples, and public stakeholders.