Suzie Rizor

- B.S.: Eastern Oregon University (Biology) 2000
Suzie Rizor has spent much of her career working in the Pacific Northwest. Suzie has assisted in the management of large-scale acoustic telemetry studies to assess downstream migration, timing, and distribution of juvenile salmon and steelhead in relation to hydroelectric projects. Suzie has acted as Project Lead in oversight for all aspects of study design, implementation, data analysis, and reporting for gatewell escapement evaluations at the Priest Rapids Project. She has also conducted various sampling efficiency studies to assess the status and distribution of bull trout and other salmonids. Suzie spent three years working for the National Wildlife Research Center where she led field and pen studies focused on animal damage management. Suzie has biotelemetry experience that includes PIT, radio, and hydroacoustic technologies. She has experience working with large datasets and QAQC procedures to ensure accuracy of data for analysis. She has conducted spatial and behavioral analysis and is proficient with ArcGIS, SigmaPlot, MARK, MS Excel, and Access. Suzie also has experience in report and proposal writing as well as presenting at professional conferences.