Dave Robichaud
Vice-President, Senior Ecologist

- Ph.D.: Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's (Biology) 2002
- M.Sc.: McGill University, Montreal (Biology) 1996
- B.Sc.: McGill University, Montreal (Biology) 1994
Dr. Dave Robichaud is a Senior Ecologist whose expertise is in the field of behavioural ecology. His work at LGL Limited has focused primarily on the assessment of the survival and behaviour of smolts migrating past the Priest Rapids Hydroelectric Project (Grant County, WA) using radio-telemetry. He has been involved in all stages of this research, including experimental design, study planning, equipment setup and upkeep, fish tagging, data processing, statistical analysis, and reporting.
For his doctoral thesis, Dave made extensive use of acoustic telemetry to study the homing migrations of spawning Atlantic cod, and he used acoustics to map adult cod distributions, and to assess their abundances in Placentia Bay, Newfoundland. He has also studied: the annual changes in distribution and abundance of young-of-the-year cod in Newfoundland; the behavior of coral reef fishes in the Barbados trap fishery; and the foraging behaviour of birds in Montreal.
Dave has expertise in telemetric and hydro-acoustic surveys of fish behaviour, and has also made extensive use of lower‑tech methods of data collection including mark-recapture, video surveys, SCUBA observations, and fish trapping, seining, jigging, and trawling. He is also proficient at experimental design, and data analysis. Dave is a Registered Professional Biologist (R.P.Bio.) in B.C. under the College of Applied Biologists.
Publications: link to Google Scholar profile.