Allison Schein
Aquatic Biologist

- M.Sc.: Canadian Rivers Institute at University of Prince Edward Island & University of New Brunswick (Aquatic Ecology) 2009
- B.Sc. (Hons.): Queen’s University (Biology) 2007
Allison Schein has over ten years of experience as an Aquatic Biologist. Her work focuses on projects in the areas of Environmental Impact Assessment, Ecological Risk Assessment, and Natural Resource Damage Assessment. Allison completed a Bachelor of Science in Biology at Queen’s University and a Master of Science in Biology (Aquatic Ecology) at the University of Prince Edward Island (as part of the Canadian Rivers Institute). She is a Registered Professional Biologist (R.P.Bio.) with the College of Applied Biologists in British Columbia.
Allison has provided water quality-related expertise to First Nations as part of the environmental assessment and discharge permitting processes, including evaluating water quality issues and concerns related to various mining projects in British Columbia and Yukon. For example, Allison has reviewed baseline surface water and aquatic resources monitoring reports and provided recommendations on the collection and interpretation of baseline water quality, sediment quality, benthic invertebrate, and periphyton data. She has participated in the derivation of site-specific water quality objectives (and other benchmarks) for receiving environments at and downstream of mine sites in Yukon and British Columbia, on behalf of First Nations. In addition, Allison co-authored a technical report to support the development of guidance for conducting baseline monitoring and developing site-specific water quality objectives for quartz mining in Yukon. She also contributed to the development of the British Columbia water quality guidelines for cadmium. Allison’s skills include data compilation, database development and management, statistical data analysis, document review, report writing, report editing, and field work.