Julia Shonfield
Terrestrial Ecologist

- Ph.D.: University of Alberta (Ecology) 2018
- M.Sc.: University of Guelph (Biology) 2010
- B.Sc. (Hons.): McGill University (Biology) 2007
Dr. Julia Shonfield is an Ecologist with a passion for the outdoors and over 13 years of experience in environmental consulting and applied wildlife research. She specializes in owl biology and bioacoustics, and she is also experienced in wildlife surveys and biodiversity monitoring. Her Ph.D. work focused on evaluating the effects of industrial disturbance on owl distribution and occurrence in boreal Alberta. Julia is a published author of several peer‑reviewed scientific papers on the implementation of recent bioacoustic technology and the effects of industrial noise on owls in Alberta, and has presented her research on owls and bioacoustics at numerous conferences. She has conducted various field investigations for terrestrial flora and fauna including owl acoustic surveys, owl banding, aerial ungulate surveys, winter tracking for mammals, vascular plant surveys, bat acoustic surveys, small mammal capture and radio telemetry tracking, breeding bird surveys, and nest searches. Julia has contributed to the completion of Environmental Impact Assessments and continuing environmental monitoring. Julia is a Professional Biologist (P.Biol.) with the Alberta Society of Professional Biologists.
Publications: link to Google Scholar profile.